The Easiest Way on How to Ask for a Promotion

All good managers want to see their employees succeed and grow, and sometimes you need to let your boss know when you’re ready for the next step. That said, making the case for a higher job title can be tricky, and you need to make sure you’re approaching the conversation the right way. So, before scheduling that one-on-one with your manager, keep these simple dos and don’ts in mind.

Asking for a promotion ranks high on the list of life’s most anxiety-inducing activities. Putting yourself out there to higher-ups can be intimidating, and competition can be fierce, especially in the current economic climate. And, of course, what if they say no?

If you’re ready to move up, you already know you’re performing above and beyond your current job description. But in order to justify a promotion, you’ll also need to show it.

So, make a list of your key achievements, especially those that fall outside of your official responsibilities and note how they’ve benefitted the business. These accomplishments will make the perfect talking points to show your manager where your specific strengths are and what kind of direction you’d like your next role at the company to take.

There’s no “perfect” time to ask for a promotion, but sometimes are definitely better than others. The most straightforward time to ask is your annual review it’s a built-in opportunity for both you and your manager to discuss how you’ve been doing and where your career is headed.

You work hard, and your manager knows that. But when you’re asking for a promotion, you can’t make it all about you it’s actually more about your employer. After all, every time your boss makes a recommendation or decision and that includes hiring and promotions he or she is deciding what’s best for the business.

Start by casually mentioning that you’re interested in a position, either to your supervisor or someone higher up in your organization. This is an informal, possibly conversational step. Then, follow up with an email formalizing your request and reminding them of your desire. Don’t be annoying with your follow-ups, but do be persistent. If there’s no position currently open, send gentle reminders every few weeks to keep your desires top of mind until there is an opening.

Asking for a promotion isn’t easy. But if you keep the conversation focused on your results and the company’s goals and stay far away from threats and comparisons you’re well on your way to the next level.

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